Wife, mom....what happened to the saucy chick????

Monday, Sept. 06, 2004

Labor Day...... This was a day that I looked forward to. You know, the days that you think "NO WORK!" and a free day to do as you wish. Things are different now. I love my son and spending time with him but like I try to explain to JD, motherhood is a 24-hour job. Some hubbies give their wives time off. I do not have that luxury.

O.k., that's not entirely fair to JD. On a rare occassion he'll try to take DJ for me but DJ cries and wants mommy. It's so hard sometimes. For instance, when I was sick on Thursday, I was just sooo tired and wanted to take a nap and rest. I nursed DJ and Jim said for me to take a nap and he'd take care of him. Well, I go into the bedroom (in our apartment, so I can't get that far away) and can hear him crying. So I lay there and listen.....until I can't take it anymore (probably only about 2 minutes) and go out to "rescue" DJ. As soon as I took him he quit crying of course and thus, the ugly cycle begins. He's only 5 mo. old and everything I've read says you can't spoil an infant under 6 mo. old but I swear he's mentally older. *lol* No, really! Anyway, my mom (old school) thinks that DJ's been spoiled from the get go since I nurse him and am home all day with him. She said as long as I don't mind, then so what.

And most of the time, I don't mind. But sometimes....sometimes I just wish I could have a little break. It's VERY rare I go and leave DJ and JD alone together. Not because I think JD doesn't do a good job - it's just that DJ is so particular and I worry he'll spend the time I'm gone crying and the prospect makes me cringe. I know, I know, I NEED to get over it. And honestly, I'm trying. This Friday I'm going to a scrapbooking evening and leaving them alone.

Anyway, where was I? *LOL* Honestly, my mind wanders so.

OOOOOoohhhhhh!!!! JD got a new job in a city that's about 60 miles south and we have been looking for a house. We never bought one because we were unsure where his job would be so we've been in the apartment. Nothing wrong with it, we are just packed in here and it's a fairly large one at that. Anyway, I think we found "the one!" It's the darn holiday weekend so left a message with our realtor that we want to draw up an offer. I'm SOOOOO excited!

When JD and I started dating we were talking about dreams. He had big dreams of going to college, getting a great job...etc., etc., etc. I told him the only dream I ever had was the white picket fence house of my very own. All my life I've moved from place to place, never having lived in a place longer than a year or so. My mom was a single mom taking care of my sister and I and she never owned her own home until she married years later to my wonderful step-father.

Anywho, my dream wasn't to go to college, or to drive a fancy car, or to have this high paying job, or to travel the world. My dream was simple - a home.

That dream, along with the contents that are a given - a loving hubby and healthy children, are coming true!!!!! YIIPPEE!!!!!

Alright, enough soul baring. Geez, where was I? Oh yes, Labor Day. I need some time off from being a mom. Some "me" time. It's sooo crucial to my sanity. LOVE my son but like I said, it's a 24-hour job and breaks are few and far between. JD gets time off from work and it's not like he spends his days off taking care of DJ. No, he's off golfing right now. And ask me if he got up at night with DJ? Uh, no. Do I sound bitter? Only a little. JD provides so much for us and no matter what, I know he loves us with all his heart.

Alrighty then......my babbling is over for now!