Wife, mom....what happened to the saucy chick????

Saturday, Sept. 11, 2004

Wowie! What a busy week!!!! We found house!! In a great neighborhood, walking distance to the elementary, middle & high school, across from a beautiful lake (which you can see part of it out our window), beautiful yard with playset, 2200 sq. feet and gee, what else? Hardwood floors, which I LOVE!!!!! We offered, they counter-offered and we have given then our counter-counter-offer. Now, we wait and if all is well, we should be take posession on 10/4!!! WOO HOO!!!

JD and I went to the furniture store and purchased a beautiful bedroom set. We have one but decided we want a king size bed so we are putting our current bedroom set in the guest room and bought a beautiful sleigh king size bedroom set. I CAN'T WAIT!!! I knew we'd be buying a king size so I'd already found an awesome deal on sheets, blanket, pillows and bed set on overstock so I bough it over a month ago and it'll go beautifully on our new cherry finish bedroom set.

Dylan's 2nd tooth has come through but he's still waking up 2 x's during the night. Not sure what's up with that. I nurse him but can't believe he can't go all night without eating at almost 6 mo. old. I KNOW every baby is different but lots of babies his age to sleep. I don't get too upset by it because he'll usually only wake up once to eat and another time he just wakes up to get his binky and go back to sleep.

Things are running pretty smoothly right now, thank goodness. For a few months there, JD and I were at our wit's end with each other and adjusting to life as parents. I am getting over my resentment and it's with his help that it's possible. For a while he just was not helpful DJ. I felt like a single parent and I didn't think that it was fair even if I was being a full-time SAHM. I mean, being a mom is a 24-hour job and I don't get any "down" time. Well, JD's stepping up and helping more, and also with things around the house (without me asking and bugging him too!). Last night he watched DJ and I went to a scapbooking night and was gone for about 6 hours!!! It felt wonderful to get out and have some time to be me and talk to other mom's but also work on my DJ's scrapbook. It takes a LOT of work but the end product gives me such a sense of accomplishment.

So, we are waiting to hear if the people will take our final offer and then........we'll close on 9/30!!! I'm so excited but I also am not totally in love to the point that I'll be devastated if we don't get this house. It's a buyer's market and there are tons of houses out there.

Alright, off to run to the store to get some goods and get back to watch Big Brother tonight. I swear those darn shows suck me in!!!!